Chadarangam 2025 Championship

Feb 08 - 09, 2025  

Location:  2445 S 130th Cir, Hindu Social Hall, Omaha, NE 68144 

Rated Tournament:

Open ($30): G/60; d5: Saturday, Registration 9:30-10:00, R1: 10.00     R2: 1:00   R3: 3:15

​                           Sunday R4: 10.00, After Blitz ends R5: 3:00

RBO (15$): G/30; d5: Saturday: 5 rounds:  Registration 10:00 to 10:30 R1: 10.30 R2-R5 ASAP. 

Blitz (10$): G/5; d0: Sunday: 5 rounds: Registration 12.00 to 12.30 R1: 12.30 R2 to R5 ASAP. 

Un Rated Tournament (Not required USCF ID):

Registration (10$): G/30; d5: Saturday, Registration 12:00 to 12:30 R1: 12.30 R2-R5 ASAP. The time control is 30 minutes delay 5 seconds and is USCF rated

Additional Information:

Boards and clocks must be provided by the players themselves. Scoresheets will be provided to the Rated sections. These sections must turn in a copy of their scoresheets.

Please send Advance Entry to PayPalat

Trophies for 1st   place will be provided to each section. 2nd and 3rdplaces will be provided to medals in the Ugadhi event (Mar 22nd).

The tie-break for the trophies will be decided in the following order:

1. Common Game
2. Solkoff
3. Modified Median
4. Cumulative