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Show Section Counts

There are 16 players registered as of 02/03/2025

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Silverstein, Jonathan 1999 16412607 2025-01-31 Open 1,2 USCF membership will expire. See TD.
Trujillo Caceres, Juan David 1571 32210130 2025-12-31 Open
Yost-Wolff, Spencer 1536 30635029 2025-06-30 Open
Harris, Samuel 1510 15181090 2026-05-31 Open 2,3
Kawji, Senna 1438 30622971 2025-06-30 Open
Anderson, Austin 1429 16669835 2025-07-31 Open
Chen, Megan 1847 13453097 2025-06-30 Open February 17th
McCanna, Casey 1201 31787872 2026-03-31 U1600
Cho, Edwin Samuel 1187 30524740 2025-12-31 U1600
Prabhu, Pranav 1085 30310181 2026-01-31 U1600
Narayan, Aashrita 1000 17062120 2025-09-30 U1600
Mocarski, Peter Unrated 32265201 2026-01-31 U1600
Perez Chavez, Jose Roberto Unrated 32281285 2026-02-28 U1600
White, Neville Unrated 32135703 2026-01-31 U1600
Yarol, Burak 1566 31778565 2025-03-31 U1600 February 3rd
Creel, Lee Cameron 1475 30131270 2026-01-31 U1600 February 3rd