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Show Section Counts

There are 7 players registered as of 2025-02-20T21:48:28Z

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section School/Team Notes
Denor, Aiden Unrated K-5 Reserve WIMIM4 Milw Spanish Immersion
Gilmour, Hank M 842 17179017 2026-11-30 6-8 Championship Golda Meir
Trejo, Sebastian 874 31937158 2026-06-30 9-12 Championship WIMIRH Reagan High School
Badillo, Daniel Unrated 32248014 2026-01-31 9-12 Championship WIMIRH Reagan High School
Blazkovec, Benjamin Unrated 32248065 2026-01-31 9-12 Championship WIMIRH Reagan High School
De La Cruz, Benicio Unrated 32248130 2026-01-31 9-12 Championship WIMIRH Reagan High School
Jackson, Preston Unrated 32248199 2026-01-31 9-12 Championship WIMIRH Reagan High School