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There are 7 players registered as of 2025-02-20T21:59:59Z

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Hou, Calvin 1309 31435398 2025-09-30 Swiss
Amin, Eshaan Kashyap 1159 30205762 2025-06-30 Swiss
Wang, Ethan Y. 1117 31156044 2027-03-31 Swiss
Feng, Carlo 1090 17321652 2025-07-31 Swiss
Sandeep, Raghav 1071 31277682 2025-06-30 Swiss
She, Gloria Beichen 1044 16659871 2025-07-31 Swiss
Lin, Sophia 1034 31402316 2025-09-30 Swiss