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There are 7 players registered as of 2025-02-20T21:59:41Z

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Friedman, David M 1987 12488564 2027-12-31 Premier 1600+
Adaikappan, Aadhi Veerapandian 1432 30318082 2026-10-31 Reserve U1600
Zhang, Lucas 1266 30184904 2027-05-31 Reserve U1600
Natarajan, Atharv 1093 31533939 2025-11-30 Reserve U1600
Van Pelt, Charles 1161 30700135 2026-12-31 Discovery U1200
Humbert, Tyler 966 32159919 2025-12-31 Discovery U1200
Zhu, Kaison 895 31414116 2025-09-30 Discovery U1200