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There are 7 players registered as of 2025-01-18T05:03:02Z

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes School/Team Notes
Kazantsev, Mark 101 30466880 2026-01-31 3rd Grade ILCLND Notre Dame School
Singh, Krishiv A 771 30773724 2026-11-30 4th Grade ILNPME Meadow Glens Elementary School
Sud, Ronin 214 30671406 2026-11-30 5th Grade ILAURE Reba O Steck Elementary School
McKinnon, Chase A 200 30719982 2023-09-30 6th-8th Grade ILNPLI Lincoln Jr High School
Parab, Ayush Unrated 32246941 2026-01-31 6th-8th Grade ILAUFG Francis Granger Middle School
Prabhu, Pranav 1085 30310181 2025-01-31 Non-Naperville 6-8 Skinner West Elementary
Yemmela, Mihir 724 32166727 2025-11-30 Non-Naperville 6-8 ILPIHG Heritage Grove Middle School