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Show Section Counts

There are 10 players registered as of 2025-02-20T21:45:26Z

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Aigner, Michael 2216 12595730 2028-04-30 Open 1
Gopalakrishnan, Kritin Rohan 2155 16545130 2025-12-31 Open
Srimat, Keyur 724 30511866 2025-04-30 Open
Kazemi, Shayan Unrated 32303124 2026-02-28 Open
Chu, Alexandru 1168 30792627 2026-11-30 U1200
Maguire, Dan 775 31185151 2025-04-30 U1200
Korotkov, Dmitry 692 31287627 2026-02-28 U1200
Nguyen, Augustus 244 31268029 2025-05-31 U1200
Korotkov, Zoey Unrated 32299044 2026-02-28 Unrated
Smith, Logan Unrated 32317920 0000-00-00 Unrated USCF membership has expired. See TD.