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There are 9 players registered as of 2025-02-20T21:36:29Z

Player Name Rating FIDE Fed. USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
GM Erenburg, Sergey 2569 2510 USA 13674544 2099-12-31 Open
Shetty, Saharsh Darsh 1967 1872 USA 16728985 2026-07-31 Open
Jackson, Cayden 1905 1775 USA 16100492 2025-09-30 Open
Krishnan, Ashvath 1813 1658 USA 30042119 2025-10-31 Open
Wells, Kenneth Ca 1478 USA 16048722 2025-09-30 U1700
Golart, Dylan 1082 31079941 2026-09-30 U1100
Dabbiru, Aneesh 1014 30494381 2026-04-30 U1100
Miriyala, Lakhith 944 31083887 2026-03-31 U1100
Bao, Yixun Unrated 32306248 2026-02-28 Scholastic U800