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There are 13 players registered as of 02/11/2025

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Murugesan, Durai 1730 17163727 2026-01-31 Open
Johnson, Stephen Wayne 1679 10197546 2099-12-31 Open
Patil, Aaradhya Nitin 1496 17349055 2025-05-31 Open
Wells, Kenneth Ca 1478 16048722 2025-09-30 Open
Fett, Roddney Dean 1457 12556167 2026-08-31 Open
Fuller, Timothy 1454 16635936 2025-04-30 Open
Jawahhar, Mruthyunjai 1432 30360557 2025-11-30 Open
Rust, Ted M 1385 12490968 2025-05-31 Open
Cradle, Phillip 1359 14819690 2025-04-30 Open
Johnson, Norman T 1308 12761067 2025-07-31 Open
Koudinoff, Oscar 1056 32010292 2026-08-31 Open 2
Thalluri, Avyukt Varma 855 31147320 2025-03-31 Open
Williams, Marcus Unrated 32123581 2025-11-30 Open